Why use the hostess service?
The presence of Hostesses at an Event generates immediate profit for the promoting company which receives a significant image and organisational benefit.
Hostesses are a broad-spectrum resource, with experience in the field of Events, their presence being synonymous with efficiency and high standard. Their presence is significant in the reception and registration of visitors, but they also represent an important help in providing essential information or in commercial support, in language support, to promote products and services, to serve beverages and food, etc.
The hostess can be a precious resource, valuable for the perfect success of the event, essential to communicate a high-quality standard.
On an emotional level, companies using as many hostesses as possible and especially the most beautiful ones are perceived by visitors among the most important at an event. The hostess is therefore also a status symbol.
Why pay an agency instead of procuring the hostesses directly, through the network of acquaintances, placing ads on the internet or searching the social network?
"Time is money" and entrusting the agency serves exactly to save both.
Why choose Eye On Model - Hostess World Amsterdam?
Eye On Model has been on the market for over 15 years and has a database boasting more than 30,000 profiles (approx. 500 in Amsterdam). The bookers of Eye On Model agency are ready to deal with any client requirement, before, during and after the events. Eye On Model agency will be happy to provide you with all its expert advice necessary to deal with your needs for personnel, from image hostesses to those for the most various services. Furthermore, Eye On Model is not present only in Amsterdam, but it can also be your sole interlocutor, not only for events throughout Spain, but also in the whole Europe.
Who are the Hostesses and what are their profiles?
There are many types of hostesses, suitable to meet any client’s specific requirements.
We can identify three main categories hostesses fall under, at different levels.
How to choose hostesses?
Based on your requirements for services, aesthetic or language preferences and on the budget you have available, the agency will help you choose the personnel with the most suitable profile. Click here to see the catalogue.
How important is the aesthetic aspect of the hostess?
The most powerful companies always go for the most beautiful hostesses. Hostess is not only a service but also a Status Symbol, a connotation of image certifying the company’s quality level. For this reason, Eye On Model wants to always suggest hostesses with a more relevant appearance than the one the client plans to show up with.
What to do when the hostess does not offer a service up to the level of expectations?
In these cases contact immediately the recruiting booker, who will step in to solve the situation and, if necessary, to replace the personnel within the shortest time possible. Bookers are available 24/7, and their professionalism and collaboration represent a precious guarantee for the success of the event.
Can I contact the agency outside opening hours?
For expert advice and estimates the agency is operational from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. while for assistance to clients our agents are available 24 hours. Contact them, even on their mobile phones, anytime, they will be happy to help you.
What services are included in the Supply of Hostesses?
What are the additional services which can be requested?
We are pleased to provide advice free of charge. Based on your requests, we shall send you an estimate of costs and a series of profiles in Amsterdam corresponding to the required target. Instead of filling out the form, you may write to us or contact us using the contact details below.